Saturday, October 6, 2012

Homeward Bound

 Waiting for the Bellman to get our luggage and head to Dulles International Airport.
 Waiting for Daddy to pick us up at SFO.
Still waiting...

Friday, October 5, 2012

 Last evening in DC, we had dinner at the Willard Hotel right next to our hotel.  
The Willard Hotel is the oldest hotel in DC.
 A little later in the evening.
 Root beer floats.
 Root beer floats all around.
Having too much fun after too many Root beer floats.

US Capitol in Washington DC

 Our US Capitol...we really want to walk up the steps, but that wasn't allowed.  
Oh well, pictures will suffice....for now.  

National Gallery of Art

Not as kid-friendly as most of the other museums, but still fun ;)

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Twilight Tour of Washington DC...would do it again.

Getting on the double decker tour bus at 6:30pm...and returned to our hotel at 11:00pm.

 Hard to see but that is Marine 1 in the air.  President was quite possibly on board.

 Looking through the World War II Memorial to the Lincoln Memorial.

Looking through the World War II Memorial to the Washington Monument.

 Looking through the World War II Memorial to the Washington Monument.

 Looking over the World War II Memorial waterfall to the Lincoln Memorial.

Kids are hugging a bronze statue of Theodore Roosevelt in his memorial.

 Thomas Jefferson Memorial.

Thomas Jefferson Memorial
 Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial

 Lincoln Memorial
 Jefferson Memorial
 Kids at the Thomas Jefferson Memorial.
 Lincoln Memorial
 Iwo Jima near Arlington Cementary

Silly Pictures...nobody famous...

Newseum...was amazing! Loved it!!

Top deck of the Newseum...view of the Capitol.

Actual pieces of the Berlin Wall inside of the Newseum.

National Archives Museum

In front of the National Archives Museum.  Best time of year to come because we didn't have to stand in line to see the Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights and the Magna Carta.

No Intro Necessary....

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

J. Edgar Hoover FBI Building

Love the FBI...wish you could still do tours there.

Breakfast in the morning at the JW Marriott...the concierge lounge makes it so much better.